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Opinions on the 2020 US Election

I'm new on the site.
Thought I would see what reactions you have on the US elections.

To me it looks like the Democrats are trying to cheat their way into taking over the US government.
Question is, is this on a permanent basis because if the US Justice accepts fraud once there will be no going back.

Anyhow, that's my thoughts in a nutshell.





Schweizer, Eidgenossen! Ihr seid das letzte Bollwerk der Demokratie im EU besetzten Europa! Weicht nicht und haltet Stand! So wie es
eure Vorfahren schon immer taten! Ihr werdet sonst untergehen wie der Rest, des von Vaterlandsverrätern regiertem besetzten Europa!

Despite a good standard of living, America is heading toward a crisis that will affect us all !
